In Turkish law, an intellectual and artistic product is protected under the Turkish Copyright Law (TUG).
According to Art. 1/B-a TUG, works of science and literature, music, visual arts and cinematographic works are protected if they constitute a personal intellectual creation and have individuality.
Copyright protection arises with the creation of the work; registration and registration are not required for the acquisition of the property right.
Im türkischen Recht wird ein Geistes- und Kunsterzeugnis nach dem türkischen Urheberrechtsgesetz (TUG) geschützt.
Nach Art. 1/B-a TUG werden die Werke der Wissenschaft und Literatur, der Musik, der bildenden Kunst und Filmwerke geschützt, wenn sie eine persönliche geistige Schöpfung darstellen und Individualität aufweisen.
Der Urheberrechtsschutz entsteht mit der Schöpfung des Werkes; eine Eintragung und Registrierung ist für den Erwerb des Schutzrechtes nicht erforderlich.
An author has moral rights and exploitation rights.
The moral rights are:
- Authority to Disclose the Work to the Public
- The Authority to Designate the Name
- Prohibition of Modification
- Right of Access to Original Work
The economic rights are:
- Right of Translation and Adaptation
- Right of Reproduction
- Right of Distribution
- Right of Performance
- The Right to Communicate the Work the Public
- Right to Have Payment of a Share of Sale Proceeds of Works of Fine Arts
In Turkey, Law No. 6769 on the Protection of Industrial Property (IPL) was adopted on 22/12/2016 and published in the Official Gazette on 10/1/2017. In addition, the Regulation on the Implementation of the IPL was published on 24 April 2017. With the adoption of the IPL, the regulations on patent law, utility model law, trade mark law, the law on geographical indications of source and design law were bundled into one legal text.
The introductory provisions of the IPL first define the aim of the law, the definitions and the persons who are subject to the protection of the IPL. After that, the first book contains regulations on trade marks, the second book contains regulations on geographical indications and designations of origin, the third book contains regulations on design law and the fourth book contains regulations on patents and utility models. The fifth book lays down common rules on the content of protection, the statute of limitations and procedural rules for all of the above-mentioned areas of law.